Today, we would like to feature a very useful and somewhat unknown Social Media tool. We say unknown, because unless you have absolutely needed to use it or are heavily involved in Social Media, you likely have not heard of it. But with an increasing amount of people owning accounts on multiple platforms of Social Media, we thought we would share it with you.
It’s called Klout, and it’s a website that lets you easily track your online influence via Twitter (it’s in the process of integrating Facebook). Basically you enter all your account info, and then it tabulates your “true reach”, “amplification”, and “network”. The True Reach is the size of your engaged audience, hence it’s how many of your followers are truly paying attention, via retweets or lists. The Amplification measures how spread out and various those true followers are, as in where they live, how diverse they are (always the same people or different ones), and how much you are tweeting/how many @replies you are getting. And finally, the Network score measures how influential those you interact with are themselves, as in, what their Klout score is like. Basically, if important people are @replying you and retweeting you.
As mentioned above, Facebook has now been included, as of just this morning, which will likely help the service blow up. With Facebook integration, users can now track the number of unique ‘Likers’, commenters, and comments they have. As the site continues to expand, it can’t be long before they add a Foursquare, YouTube, and LinkedIn option as well.
To demonstrate, I included a screenshot of my Klout score (which is 21…I don’t know what that means yet). Follow me @lgdoucet to help my score!
To join, check out